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ANZATFE Biennial: Conference 2019
Formation of ethically-responsible ministry

The 2019 ANZATFE Conference was held at Vaughan Park, New Zealand from 19-21 November 2019.

Keynote presentations

Rev. Dr Barbara Blodgett (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania)

Title: The Wager of Trust: Formation Beyond Accountability


Rev. Dr David Crawley (Laidlaw College, Auckland)

Title: ‘Act Justly, love mercy, walk humbly’: Noticing and naming our power


Dr Rocio Figueroa (Good Shepherd Theological College, Auckland)

Title: Transforming ministry training after leadership abuses: towards authentic ministry




Rev. Sean Gilbert (Uniting College for Leadership and Theology, Adelaide)

Title: Humilitas and Ethical Ministry Practice


Rev. Dr Geoff New (Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, Dunedin)

Title: What would you do? “Problem Based Learning” as a tool to form ethically responsible ministers.

Roena Anderson and Katharina Boehm (Bethlehem Institute, Tauranga)

Title: Fostering the Process of Āta in Ethical Matters

Rev. Dr Anne Mallaby (Whitley College, University of Divinity)

Title: Setting up a Toolbox for Ethical Pastoral Leadership


Rev. Dr Barbara Blodgett (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pennsylvania)

Title: Strategies for Formation Beyond Accountability

Bruce Hulme (Tabor College, Adelaide)

Title: Courageous Embodiment: Three Ways Jesus En-Courages Us to Walk our Talk


Ian Hussey (Maylon Theological College, Brisbane)

Title: Utilising Osmer’s Practical Theology Tools in Field Education to Develop Reflective Practice


Dr Rocio Figueroa (Good Shepherd Theological College, Auckland)

Title: When Did We See You Naked? Reading the Stripping of Jesus to Acknowledge and Address Sexual Abuse


Associate Professor Michael A. Kelly CSsR (Yarra Theological Union, University of Divinity)

Title: One Tradition’s National Safeguarding Standards

Hensley Gungadoo and Dr Erik Puni (Avondale Seminary, Cooranbong)

Title: Developing field education processes that form character and safe practice 


Rev. Dr Andrew Menzies (Stirling Theological College, University of Divinity)

Title: Governance: A needed piece in theological formation?

The Association for Reflective Practice in Theological Education (ARPTE) is an ecumenical organisation of those involved in reflective practice across all disciplines in theological education.

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